Customer Gallery - Adult Hand Casting WIP
Baby, Adult and Pet Casting by Toni Harling Moore
When we received a Facebook message from Toni, we were bowled over when we saw how many casts she'd made using our BabyRice Skin Safe Alginate and casting plaster. Toni first got to grips with casting when her son Alfie was born in 2016. Then a new mum, Toni set about casting his tiny little hands and feet. She was so happy with the results that she's just kept going. Toni has since welcomed baby Harry to the family and, of course, she created baby hand casts for him too.
Big brother Alfie's hands and feet were cast at 12 weeks. New baby Harry's hands and feet were cast at 13 weeks. Both sets of casts are absolutely scrumptious!
"I'm so happy with them, and they are such amazing, easy to use product!" said Toni.
After she got to grips with baby hand casting, Toni moved on to creating casts for the older members of her family. Toni used BabyRice Skin Safe Alginate and BabyRice casting plaster to create a plaster cast of her Mum and Grandad holding hands. This very precious cast was a special birthday gift for Toni's Mum. What a sweet gift!
When Toni's beloved dog, Harvey. passed away very suddenly, she created a beautiful memorial by casting his paws. Toni told us, "I had to take this cast after he had passed. But so glad we got them before he was taken to be cremated. This is very precious."
Toni was called upon to create another memorial casting when a close friend of the family passed away. In order to create this bereavement casting, Toni visited the chapel of rest and took two impressions and for each of her friend's daughters. "These ones I think are my favourite. So much love went into these ones," said Toni.
"I get really excited (and scared) to peel away the alginate and see how they've turned out! Especially with the little ones hands/feet as you never know what position they're going to be in, and are always so different!"
We are so impressed by Toni's casting and her thoughtful gifts. Keep up the good work Toni!