Mother's Day Gift Ideas - Keepsakes that will last a lifetime

Mother's Day Gift Ideas - Keepsakes that will last a lifetime

Mother's Day is a celebration celebrated around the world honoring the Mother of a family or an individual. Traditional celebrations of mothers and motherhood have existed for thousands of years. Mother's Day is celebrated on different days in many countries and is most commonly celebrated in the months of March or May.

Cards and gifts are now commonly gifted on Mother's Day - flowers being the most popular choice. But how about gifting something far more memorable that your Mother will truly cherish? Whether you want to gift something special for Mother's Day from you, your family, your children or from your baby, here's a few unique Mother's Day gift ideas for you guaranteed to keep Mum smiling for years to come:

To Mum from You:

Create a holding hands cast with your Mum - most of our kits have enough materials for making two sets of holding hands casts and so you can gift your lovely Mum a precious keepsake and also have one to keep for yourself forever.

To Mum from You and Your Family:

How about this memorable keepsake gift for Mum that's from you and your family? Our Family Hand Casting kit makes a wonderful and unique Mother's Day gift, hold hands with your family forever!

To Mum from the Kids:

Want to gift Mummy something super-special from the kids? Our Mummy & Me Hand Casting Kit is the perfect Mother's Day present. Mum and child (or children) can make a keepsake holding hands cast together. Children soon grow and in no time at all they will be entering adulthood. It's never too late to capture a special moment in time, when your kids are still holding on to Mummy's hand!

First Mother's Day Card from Baby:

Awwww, this one is so special - baby's hand and footprint card for Mummy's First Mother's Day.  Simple, safe, effective and affordable, this is a keepsake card that Mummy will keep and treasure forever.  

Just a few gift ideas for Mother's Day are featured here. You can find more creative kits and gifts in our BabyRice online store. So what are you waiting for, go take a look and see how you too can make your Mother's Day the most special one ever!