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I have purchased this product twice and highly recommended to anyone who wants to try to capture their babies footprints at home. This product requires you to follow the instructions provided well. In my experience it also takes a couple of attempts to get it right. If purchasing I recommend that you try a small amount of the product first to get used to it's consistency and application first. It sets pretty quickly! I am really pleased with the results but it does require trial and error as well as patience to get it right.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starI am so happy with this product, I ordered a few weeks ago and only got round to doing it yesterday, the first few attempts of mixing the mould went completely wrong unfortunately, so I wasted a fair amount of the mix. I've managed to get 2 hands out of what was left, so had to order another kit to do babies feet and hopefully another of each, it's trial and error, you either get it right or you don't. Waiting for the 3 hours for the plaster to set killed me off because once it's in you don't know if it's working or going to turn out right, but as I took the mould away and pulled out each hand I was shocked ! Only problem is, I have a hole on each hand, but I'm hoping when I do some more I can just fill them with a tiny bit of plaster. Overall this is a brilliant product and clones your babies hand perfectly. Every tiny wrinkle, tiny nails, dimples. Haven't yet painted them because I'm waiting a few days to dry out.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starWasn't very optimistic when product arrived and instruction were read but actually very simple to do (even with a 3 month old) and creates the most beautifully detailed cast - does take a very long time to completely dry so haven't been able to paint it as of yet but so far so good.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starFantastic kit to make forever memories of those tiny feet and hands. The instructions are easy to understand, easy to read, well formatted and simple. Our first cast was of our 8 week old babies foot and was successful enough. The issues with the cast were caused by our panic in trying to mix the casting solution in a container that was too small and not mixing it enough which caused a lot of surface bumps on the cast. We also used a container that was not see through so we were unable to see that her little toe was against the edge so there is a small flat surface in the cast as a result. Our second cast of her hand was more successful as we used slightly cooler water than recommended to allow more mixing time (and less stress). It did mean that the solution took longer to set which could be difficult for a wriggly baby. We found that having our baby in a carrier and asleep was the easiest way to get a good mould. I highly recommend Mum or Dad doing the finger test as recommended in the instructions so that they know how it feels as it is setting. We haven't used the silver paint as we quite like the plaster look so cannot comment on the quality or ease of using this aspect of the product.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starI absolutely love getting these hand casts. I got my Sons cast when he was a month old and regretted not getting it earlier, so got my Daughters when she was only a couple of days. So so precious!! Can easily get 4 or 5, possibly more, out of this pack so definitely good value for money. Easy to use is a difficult term to use because, yes, the stuff itself comes with very good instructions but actually using it on a wiggly tiny Human is kinda stressful
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starVery impressed! We didn't think we stood a chance with our 4 month old who moves so much and is interested in everything! It took a few goes (which you can do with the size pack provided) but we managed to get a beautiful foot! We found that as he was moving so much, it was easier just to put his foot in just before it sets but I'm sure it's easier with a younger baby.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starYou must have patience and read the instructions a few times to really understand how to use the product. The instructions are absolutely key and do explain well, how to use the product. I noticed that I had to use a few different containers to get the size right both for my baby's foot and to not use too much excess product. I did buy this knowing that I may mess it up to begin with and could potentially require buying further product, but if you are willing to do this, take your time to use trial and error then you should get a fairly acceptable result. My first attempt was much better than I had expected, even with the plaster running through the bottom of the mould (due to my poor casting attempt). It still had most fine details and I was so happy with it and felt quite proud. It does have an element of satisfaction. It's a lovely reward after patiently preparing everything so carefully first. You should accept that you need to take your time and carefully sand off lumps and bumps etc before painting. Tips - do try to have someone to help you hold the baby! If you don't, try putting baby front facing (if appropriate) in a baby carrier so you can have a free hand to pour in alginate. I had to do this, it was tricky but couldn't have done it single handedly any other way. I still recommend someone to help over this. I used a bath thermometer for the water temp. It does set quickly but if you rehearse what you are doing beforehand so that you don't need instructions then you will manage the setting time with the water at 30 degrees ( some people recommend it colder for longer setting time, I personally don't think it would be as comfortable for baby if colder). Have all your containers planned and sorted first. I wouldn't use a plastic bag inside a container - it made things more awkward for me. The alginate is rubbery when set so just peel it off equipment as soon as you are finished.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starMake sure you read all the instructions first and get everything that you need ready. You will also need at least 1 other person if you are casting an infant. My 5 month old wriggled more than I expected, it took 1 to hold her, 1 to hold her foot in place, and another to distract her. I made 1 cast of her foot and still have plenty left to do more later. The alginate turns pink as soon as water is mixed with it, and takes a couple of minutes to mix, then you put the foot/hand in and after another minute the mixture turns pale and feels rubbery. I noticed that after pouring in the plaster and waiting a few hours the alginate turned very pink. Oh and by the way you will need some self control as the alginate smelt absolutely gorgeous, like peppermint, had to explain to hubby it wasn't food! The cast turned out better than I expected and only needed a little smoothing on the tips of the toes. I will deffo be buying more of this!!
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starNice product, was a bit skeptical but turned out so easy to implement. Fantastic
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starThe hands came out absolutely amazing after being done while he was asleep, particularly since it's our first time trying anything like this. The feet were tricky and came out really well but with a bubble hole in each which need filling in. A little gutted but even asleep the feet are their most sensitive part of the body so any touch on them they wiggle so it was very difficult to do them. Picking the right containers is crucial for a good outcome and for making the casting materials go further. Very pleased with the turn out all in all though! :D
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starWell worth trying out. Had some great results! I found that the easiest way was to give my 8 week old a big feed before so she was sleepy and chilled out. Then get a second person to hold them while you do the prep etc. really impressed with the quality, any air bubbles can be easily filled in by making up a small batch of the mix
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starI was sceptical but we got amazing results from this kit. We waited until our baby was in a deep sleep to do the casts and we also followed the instructions EXACTLY as they were written making sure the water was the right temperature, doing a test first etc etc and the paint is quite sheer so a couple of coats is needed I love the results we got, precious memories
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starThis was perfect for doing my newborns hand and feet cast. Instructions were a bit lengthy but once read and understood it was very easy to do. Plenty in there too.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starI did find it very difficult to do on my own at first. I got this when my son was 3 weeks, we tried and he didn’t like it so we put it away to try again in a month. We tried today and it really worked well! Make sure you have 2 people. We messed up a few times, but you get a lot of product so it really didn’t matter at all! Get one person to hold the baby and one to hold the cup! Results are lovely and a great keepsake.
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starAmazing
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Basic 3D Baby Casting Kit (Black) - Make up to 6 Casts
Create Beautiful Keepsakes with a Baby Casting Kit
This Value Baby Hand and Foot Casting Kit contains all of the casting materials you need to make beautiful 3D plaster casts of your baby's hands and feet. It also includes a richly pigmented metallic paint to help draw out the intricate details of every single tiny wrinkle and dimple of your baby’s skin.
Professional Results at a Fraction of the Cost
This affordable Baby Casting Kit contains professional-grade casting materials. BabyRice alginate, stone casting plaster and metallic paints are used by professional casting studios and medical professionals, so you can be rest assured that you are using the best quality products.
This baby casting kit contains:
- 500g BabyRice Skin Safe Alginate
- 800g strong casting plaster
- 20ml metallic paint
- Paintbrush
- Easy to follow instructions.
Casting materials and paints can be bought separately should you wish to make additional keepsake hand and foot casts.
Easy to Follow Instructions
Your baby casting kit comes with step-by-step instructions to guide you through each stage of the casting process. Our easy to follow instructions have been tried and tested by thousands of happy customers. The process is really quite simple and you can easily create your own beautiful keepsake. Please watch the short video on this item to see what's involved, the 'Play Video' link can be found just above the price information further below.
- mix alginate with 30 degree centigrade water
- place baby's hand or foot into the alginate mixture for anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute before the alginate sets (setting time depends at what stage you put baby's hand or foot in the mixture)
- remove baby's hand or foot - now you have your impression mould
- mix plaster with water
- pour plaster/water mix into alginate impression mould
- after an hour or so the plaster has set, gently break away the alginate mould from the 3D plaster cast to reveal a true work of art!
And that's it, simple!
Skin Safe Alginate
Our hypoallergenic Skin Safe Alginate is specifically formulated to be gentle on newborn skin.
BabyRice alginate conforms to British Safety Standards BS 4269 Pt.2:1991 and the internationally recognised safety standard ISO 1563:1990. In order to maintain these standards, our alginate undergoes rigorous quality control and regular testing to ensure every single bag of alginate is of the highest quality.
Create up to Six Casts
With 500g of alginate and 800g of strong stone casting plaster, this kit contains enough casting product to make:
- up to 6 individual plaster casts of a tiny newborn baby’s hands and/or feet
- 2-4 individual plaster casts of a 2-6 month old
- up to 3 individual plaster casts of a toddler
Please note: Baby hand and foot casting beginners may wish to purchase a Large Baby Hand & Foot Casting Kit, which contains double the quantity of alginate and plaster.
Buying as a Newborn Baby Gift
Good choice! Baby Casting kits make a great baby gift for your next baby shower, christening or naming day ceremony. The perfect gift for new parents.
Please note: to keep costs down for you, this casting kit consists of the basic materials only and is packed in a grey mailing sack. It is NOT packaged as a gift. Gift wrap and message options can be added at the checkout if required.
Reward points
Very impressed with this kit! Wasn’t expecting much but thought I’d give it ago before I paid someone else a fortune to do it and so glad I did as they have come out so well! Just follow the instructions and watch a few YouTube videos and if it comes out with bubbles you can fill them in, my first one (foot) was bubbly at the top of the foot but I managed to get rid of the lumps in between the toes by just using a knife, they just popped off and I made up some more plaster and filled the holes! my second (hand) it basically came out perfect! Haven’t painted the hand yet as I’m waiting for it to dry! I’ve done one foot and one hand and should have enough to do another 2 hopefully!